5 easy, small steps anyone can take to be more eco-deferential

(Español abajo) In my first post I talked about my "journey of small steps" to becoming more eco-deferential, and today I want to share with you 5 of the first small, easy, and low-cost steps I took in my own journey that I encourage everyone to take. Many of these, in addition to helping you … Continue reading 5 easy, small steps anyone can take to be more eco-deferential

Why am I vegan? ¿Por qué soy vegana?

Español abajo // This past Thursday, November 1st, was World Vegan Day.I saw many posts about others sharing their "vegan stories," and I thought it was time to share mine. Many people often ask me why I am vegan, and others assume they already know why (my easily observable and obvious love for animals). However, my … Continue reading Why am I vegan? ¿Por qué soy vegana?